If you are looking for delicious pizza takeaway or delivery in Killorglin you are in the right place. At Apache all our pizzas are fresh, hot and ready to go. You just have to order your pizza delivery in Killorglin and relax, we will deliver your pizza straight to your door. You can also order pizza for takeaway in Killorglin and it will be ready for collection at your store.
We offer pizza delivery in Killorglin so you just can order online or over the phone and relax while you wait for your favourite meal deal. We offer pizza delivery in Killorglin and nearby areas. We reserve the right to limit our delivery area in Killorglin . Delivery charge may apply. Please ring the shop for more details on 066 9762551 and we will be happy to help you.
You can also visit our store and order your pizza to take away in Killorglin . At our pizza Killorglin store, we are located at Mill Road, Killorglin, County Kerry, V93 FFP9. You can order your pizza online, in-store, on our app or over the phone.
Check out our pizza menu and choose from a great range of pizzas. We also offer amazing meal deals and dishes including delicious fried chicken, burgers, chips and dips along with tasty desserts and drinks ready to be delivered. You can view our full Killorglin Pizza Menu and order pizza online for delivery or collection.
At Apache Pizza Killorglin we offer a great range of pizzas as well as some fantastic seasonal deals. We have lots of exciting pizza flavours; whichever pizza is your favourite we have got you covered with a range of fresh ingredients and sauces for you to choose from. Try the best pizza in Killorglin now!
While we will do our utmost to ensure your delivery will arrive within 30 minutes sometimes circumstances are beyond our control like weather & traffic. Irrespective of delivery time you should always receive your Apache Pizza products in piping hot perfect condition, but if for some reason our product or service is unsatisfactory, please let us know. Click here to contact us.
We offer pizza delivery in Ireland as well as pizza delivery in Northern Ireland. Choose your favourite meal and order pizza online now.
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